My sibling are one of the core elements and most beautiful thing happened in my life.My sisters are very strong, kind, bonded together and loving.I also become a child when I spend time with them at home. 

The benefits of my siblings:I share things with my sisters  that i can't talk with my mother. Especially to my elder sister. There is no in this world, who can understand us better than my mother yet, I tell my elder sister . 

 Fun and laughter :Maybe for some people, their siblings are like friends. When we join in their play And laugher, we also become like friends and partners in crime. 

Sometimes I talk to them with out even knowing it, only realising they are one with me, though having a seperate physical appearance. I am really lucky to have my sisters. If father and mother are a shade tree, my sisters are strong and elongated branches which always supports  me.

Thank you 


Aswani Krishna. P

First year BA English language & Literature


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