How are you gonna live your life?


Firstly, praise be  to God. I'm writing this blog to show gratitude or simply to life, success, health or even the strength that we all have. Yesterday, I went  to the palliative care clinic as a part of our academic studies.I'm not mentioning the person, place or any identity of her/ him. It was a very good experience that I'm gonna remember for the rest of my life. I would like to share one of the experiences. I think it was fifth or sixth in the list that we had visited this patient. His condition was so pathetic, I'll say. I just praise life for the blessings that we all have in our life when we witness the same. He/ she was not even blinking his eyes, moving his lips or even breathing properly. But still alive. How is this possible? That is what I thought. It was a really heartbreaking moment when we saw them and just thinking about ourselves. She has been in bed for a long time. . One of the nurses with us cleaned her private parts and changed the urinary tube. It  really made me cry. This is not a moment or even a moment, clearly a moment where I thought about the blessings that God had given to us. It was one of the experiences that I witnessed and will remember for the rest. Count the blessings all we have instead of comparing or complaining about things we don't have. The title of my blog is for kind readers. Are you happy with the blessings you have?

And one thing I would like to say, my dear folks, keep on remembering, "Every day is a blessing. It’s never too late. Don’t focus on what was taken away. Find something to replace it, and acknowledge the blessings you have. 

God’s Grace🖤

Blog by Dheena P

V Semester B.A. Functional English


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