Aid to the transgender community

The hardest part of being a transgender person is learning what it means to be a transgender person. The thing is, we can help to promote transgender equality by posting posters about it on public walls. The equality will continue to be as follows; take a person for breakfast, lunch, or dinner and connect them with others. But some groups will not accept that connection. Maybe they will laugh, or maybe they will go from there. And many transgender people are negatively affected by transphobia. And the transphobia leads to murder cases and suicide attempts. 
In the world, everyone has the freedom to live without violence,without discrimination. What do we call people when that person is transgender?

Use polite words to describe them. Transgender people use many different forms to share their experiences. It is very important to ask people which way they will speak,and that is more comfortable for all the people's.I participate in all events in college, including arts festivals, sports, and other clubs. Transgender people love to participate in the events. But something pushed them back. They will think that if I participate, I don't care what others think about me or that my body is not apt for that. At that time, we will motivate or support you to participate. 
And how can we increase transgender awareness?

Help them participate in the election and conduct the awareness programme about transgender life daily. This is a good opportunity to make people aware of transgender people and that they hate the transgender community. One of the transgender women, Riya, shared her trans life with us. They are more like women other than men. and says that they will not face discrimination in their family. However, when it comes to college life, they tolerate a lot of discrimination. They said that students laughed and put their hands on the lip.But she will not mind that kind of behavior.

Being a human entails showing support for transgender people and doing your part to raise awareness about transgender issues.


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