Being an Entrepreneur

 The traditional ceremony of "Pennu Kannal" means the process of a prospective groom coming with his family and inspecting the girl.This pandemic year, we noticed that the ceremony of pennu kanal is celebrated like a festival where the guy comes with his family with a lot of gift hampers for the girl and girl’s family prepares a variety of food items for them. I would like to tell you about how the ceremony came to my life. In the pandemic year of covid-19, the schools and the shops were closed, only emergency shops were open. So everyone had to stay in their houses. After my plus two, I was totally free because there would be many days before the opening of the colleges. So I had nothing to do in particular. After some days I was really bored of my routine. So I planned to do some interesting things which should be useful to me and others. I told my parents that I wanted to do a business from home. They agreed and supported me for my confidence. I looked at so many businesses which I can do from home and are suitable for me. But, I didn't get anything. At last I found an excellent business which is suitable for me and in demand. That is how I started my business of gift hampers. If there would be a business we need a name, right? So I gave it a name and the name was "Fara's Emporium." This business means selling gift hampers, frames, explosion boxes and scrapbooks. The name "Fara's Emporium' is a short form of my name. 'Fa' stands for Fathima and 'Ra' stands for Rana and emporium means shop. First of all I started an account on Instagram for doing this business. I also shared this profile to my friends,cousins and relatives. And they all supported me and congratulated me. I was very happy about that. And after a few days, I got an order from a customer and I took this happily and gave it to them with love. A few days later,I got many orders. I was so glad to see this. After that I got so many orders for pennu kanal. I think because of the ceremony pennu kanal this business is much in demand. Through my effort, I made my own pocket money.From that I bought dresses for my family . It was the happiest moment. 

If there is something that gives you happiness in life, don't spoil it. Pursue your dreams. Do what your mind tells you and enjoy life.

Fathima Rana

 I BA Functional English 

Al Shifa College of Arts and Science Kizhattoor, Perinthalmanna


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