
Showing posts from September, 2024

Tribal Empowerment: A Path to Empowerment

 Tribal Empowerment: A Path to Empowerment      Tribal communities have faced many challenges throughout history. They have been marginalized, excluded, and oppressed. Their cultures, languages, and traditions have been erased or suppressed. Their lands and resources have been taken away. But tribal communities are strong and resilient. They have fought for their rights and freedoms. They have demanded recognition and respect.      Tribal empowerment is the process of giving tribal communities the power to control their own lives. It means recognizing their worth and self-determination. It means supporting their efforts to preserve their cultures and traditions.      Self-governance is an important part of tribal empowerment. Tribal communities should have the right to govern themselves and make decisions about their lands and resources.      Education is also a crucial objective in tribal empowerment. Tribal communities need access to quality education that respects their cultures and


 I LOVE MY SIBLINGS My sibling are one of the core elements and most beautiful thing happened in my life.My sisters are very strong, kind, bonded together and loving.I also become a child when I spend time with them at home.  The benefits of my siblings:I share things with my sisters  that i can't talk with my mother. Especially to my elder sister. There is no in this world, who can understand us better than my mother yet, I tell my elder sister .   Fun and laughter :Maybe for some people, their siblings are like friends. When we join in their play And laugher, we also become like friends and partners in crime.  Sometimes I talk to them with out even knowing it, only realising they are one with me, though having a seperate physical appearance. I am really lucky to have my sisters. If father and mother are a shade tree, my sisters are strong and elongated branches which always supports  me. Thank you  By  Aswani Krishna. P First year BA English language & Literature