Student Life is the Golden life.
Student life is the golden life, because it is the most important part of human life. It is the period of pure joy and happiness. During that period, our mind is free from cares and worries for others. We live our life for ourselves. Every student should try his best to make the best use of his student life. The primary duty of a student is to learn and to acquire knowledge. He has to do all his work and responsibilities at the right stage of his life. If a student becomes successful in his student career, he will be able to shine in any sphere of life and serve his society and country. A student should take advantage of his time when he is a student and enjoy each and every moment of that life. He has to be careful about his health and spend some time in engaging sports activities or in games. He should try to develop a good mind and body for the best of his life. As a student, everyone has to acquire some good qualitie...