The Happiness Potion!
An article, read recently, states that the second largest business in the world is selling happiness. One might even wonder if happiness could be sold and bought! Yuval Noah Harari, in his essay “Chemical Happiness and the Meaning of Life”, argues on the modes and means with which one could maintain a state of happiness. He says how happiness is subjective and that external means like wealth, position and material accomplishments do not pave way to happiness. Giving meaning to life is the remedy to retain happiness in life according to Harari. There are chemicals/hormones inside the body that triggers happiness. One such chemical is oxytocin. Once the brain conceives the instance of happiness, an electric signal is transmitted across the neurons that results in the production of oxytocin, says science. Since not all life situations create happiness, creating happy occasions is one of the ways to stimulate the sense. While, being with friends buys happiness to some, family time fetches ...