
Student Life : A Precious Time.

    Student Life    Student life is meant to make us   disciplined and study more than that, life should be enjoyed too in every phase. There are struggles in student life yet, they can be overlooked. Here are some glances into the lives of students. One must get up early in the morning to get ready for school or college.   Similarly, rushing to the bus stop is very exciting during student life.The mothers constantly remind us to hurry up and not be late. It is no less than a mantra for all mothers.    In addition, there are other exciting moments in student life. We sometimes forget to complete our homework and then pretend to find the notebook when the teacher asks for it.     You get to enjoy yourself and have a lot of fun.Even waiting for the exam result with friends become fun. The essence of student life lies in the little things like getting curious about your friend's marks, getting jealous of them if they score more and so on.    The excitement for free period or learning

Tribal Empowerment: A Path to Empowerment

 Tribal Empowerment: A Path to Empowerment      Tribal communities have faced many challenges throughout history. They have been marginalized, excluded, and oppressed. Their cultures, languages, and traditions have been erased or suppressed. Their lands and resources have been taken away. But tribal communities are strong and resilient. They have fought for their rights and freedoms. They have demanded recognition and respect.      Tribal empowerment is the process of giving tribal communities the power to control their own lives. It means recognizing their worth and self-determination. It means supporting their efforts to preserve their cultures and traditions.      Self-governance is an important part of tribal empowerment. Tribal communities should have the right to govern themselves and make decisions about their lands and resources.      Education is also a crucial objective in tribal empowerment. Tribal communities need access to quality education that respects their cultures and


 I LOVE MY SIBLINGS My sibling are one of the core elements and most beautiful thing happened in my life.My sisters are very strong, kind, bonded together and loving.I also become a child when I spend time with them at home.  The benefits of my siblings:I share things with my sisters  that i can't talk with my mother. Especially to my elder sister. There is no in this world, who can understand us better than my mother yet, I tell my elder sister .   Fun and laughter :Maybe for some people, their siblings are like friends. When we join in their play And laugher, we also become like friends and partners in crime.  Sometimes I talk to them with out even knowing it, only realising they are one with me, though having a seperate physical appearance. I am really lucky to have my sisters. If father and mother are a shade tree, my sisters are strong and elongated branches which always supports  me. Thank you  By  Aswani Krishna. P First year BA English language & Literature


 THE FUTURE OF EDUCATION   In my opinion, the future of education is likely to be shaped by technology, online learning, and artificial intelligence.    Technology: Technology can help to create a resilient learning system that can adapt to future disruptions. It can also support the development of skills that is necessary for future careers, and enable new teaching strategies like active learning and interactive whiteboards.     Online learning: Online learning is likely  to grow, and can offer many benefits, this include increased accessibility and flexibility. Students can learn at their own pace, from anywhere in the world, and this type of learning will be more affordable than traditional in-person learning.     Artificial intelligence: AI can help machines to learn from experience and assist students in learning more efficiently and personally. For example, AI could be used to provide personal feedback for each student's work, or to act as a study buddy or motivator.     Wher

Good Relations: A Boon

   Good relationships makes us happy. We keep relationships with our family, friends and  others.They help us to grow as a human being, and play an important role in our lives to  support and show compassion to others.    Talking is an important factor in a relationship.we need to share our thoughts and feelings with each other.Trust is another  aspect which make us believe in each other.     Spending time together helps the relations to  grow. Spending quality times together and  forgiving each other when we make mistakes.we should listen to each other and show love and care to one and another.    Relationships may have problems,but there is nothing that can't be fixed, we need to approach them with kindness and care.     Good relationships make us happy. We need to take  care of them through trusting, talking, understanding, respecting  and spending time together. Let’s build good relations with our favourite ones. Thank You By Fathima Rifna T.P I B.A ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND LITERAT

Israel -Palastine Conflict

 Israel -Palastine Conflict     The Israel-Palestine conflict is a longstanding and complex dispute that has spanned over a century. At its core, it is a struggle for land, identity, and self-determination between two peoples: the Israelis and the Palestinians.    The conflict's roots can be traced back to the late 19th century, during Jewish immigration to Palestine,under Ottoman rule, began to increase. This influx of Jewish settlers led to tensions within the existing Arab population, who had been living in this  region for centuries. Following World War I, the British took control of Palestine and, in 1917, issued the Balfour Declaration, which expressed support for the establishment of  Jewish homeland in Palestine.     After World War II, the United Nations proposed a partition plan, dividing the territory into separate Jewish and Arab states, with Jerusalem under international administration. However, this plan was rejected by Arab leaders, leading to the 1948 Arab-Israeli W

Five Solutions to save our Environment

   Environment is  consists of everything around us. It includes the air we breathe, the water we drink, the soil we grow food in, and all the living things like plants, animals, and people. Environment is Important as it is essential for our survival. It provides us with clean air, fresh water, and food. It also gives us beautiful places to enjoy nature and helps keep the climate stable.     Humans are destroying our environment in the name of development   Pollution: Factories, cars, and farms release harmful chemicals into the air, water, and soil. Which make the earth infertile and difficult to live in. Deforestation: Cutting down trees for wood or to make space for farms destroys habitats for animals and plants. The cutting down of trees leads to poor quality of air. Climate Change: Burning fossil fuels like coal, oil, and gas releases greenhouse gases that warm the planet. Sustenance of humans are at a dangerous level. Waste: Humans produce a lot of waste, especially plastic, tha